‘Total Rest’ day


Setelah 2 minggu lebih, hari ni baru aku rasa aku betul2 ‘free’. Tak ke mana-mana. Tak perlu nak berkejar ke situ dan ke sini. Best nyerrr!!!

Lepas hantar CT ke UIA pagi tadi… rasa macam ada banyak sangat masa… sempat la basuh2 keta, belek2 magazine, baca buku dll. Kalau macam ni selalu kan best. 🙂 Tapi apakan daya…

Well… I’ll be busy again tomorrow onwards. Malam ni jek masa yang ada utk. ronggeng2. Nak ke mana yer? JJ jom!!! 😀


Kemuliaan tetap ada pada mereka yang susah

“Tengoklah ke kanan dan ke kiri, tidakkah anda menyaksikan betapa ramainya orang yang sedang ditimpa bencana? (Recently : Tsunami, banjir di Mekah etc.) Percayalah di setiap rumah pasti ada yang merintih, dan setiap pipi pasti pernah basah dengan air mata.

Alangkah banyaknya penderitaan yang berlaku , dan betapa ramai pula orang2 yang sabar menghadapinya. Maka anda bukanlah satu-satunya orang yang mendapat cubaan. Lebih dari itu, mungkin sahaja penderitaan atau cubaan anda tidak seberapa berbanding cubaan orang lain. Berapa ramai di dunia ini orang yang terbaring sakit di atas tilam selama bertahun-tahun dan hanya mampu membalik-balikkan badannya sahaja, lalu merintih kesakitan dan menjerit menahan nyeri.

Kini sudah tiba waktunya anda memandang diri anda mulia bersama mereka yang ditimpa musibah dan mendapat cubaan. Sudah tiba pula waktu anda untuk menyedari sesungguhnya hidup di dunia ini merupakan penjara bagi orang-orang mukmin – tempat kesusahan dan cubaan.”

– dipetik dr. buku Jangan Bersedih (La Tahzan).

—- ^—-

“Arghhhh.. I need a breather!!!.” Batinku menjerit, namun tiada suara. 🙂

Penatnyer semenjak 2 menjak ni. Just as I said before, I won’t be updating this blog regularly for the time being. My schedule is quite pack. Huhu… 5 days break seems not good enough for me. Semalam baru sampai dr. Kelantan… hari ni terus ada exam dengan DiGi. Tak sempat nak study pun. Balik kampung niat nak study… tapi cuti pun bz dengan banyak hal. Nak kena buat persiapan for that ‘day’ lagi. Passing mark 80%. Tatau la bleh pass ke idak. Huhu. Dah kerja pung ade xm lagi.

Hari ni.. abes xm.. bleh balik awal sket… ade la jugak masa nak update blog ni. Tgk blog Kak Ieka pung dah berubah wajah :P. Tahniah!!! Ok lah… nak kena kluar plak sat lagi. Malam ni ade meeting plak.

Ilal liqa’… wassalam.

Eight Life Lessons that Make a Difference

Mmm.. no weekly wrap for this week. Tajuk tu dah kena curik :P. It’s just a very, very busy and tiring week for me. Expect myself not to be updating this blog regularly for the next couple of weeks. Well… we’ll wait n see ;).

For reading. TIPS :

Eight Life Lessons that Make a Difference

This will go out the day after Christmas, and I wanted to
share a few of the most important Life Lessons that have
made a difference for me. Sometimes it takes a while but
I have learned a few things, and when I remember to use
them, they make life better. Over the years, we do begin
to figure things out, and knowing the “rules” sure makes
life easier!

Which leads to my first Big Truth: we just have to learn
some things for ourselves. I’ve read lots of books, studied
with smart people, and been given great advice.
Unfortunately, in the eagerness of youth, I chose to ignore
most of it. It takes time to figure life out and other
people’s advice doesn’t always fit, and that’s ok. Give
yourself some time and a bit of slack. You don’t have to
get the hang of this all at once.

Second, some lessons have to be learned more than once. If
only I had a nickel for everytime I’ve made a mistake,
learned from it, then done the same thing all over again!
(I take some comfort in noticing that other people do this,
too.) Humans are smart, but we aren’t as smart as we think
we are. And, we have short memories. Fortunately, we’re
allowed more than one mistake! Get over it.

Third, flexibility is more important than power. People who
are hopeful, cheerful, and creative also tend to be
optimistic and happy. Too often, strong-willed people are
just stubborn. I’d rather be optimistic, eager and creative
than “determined.” I finally learned this truth: “If at
first you don’t succeed, try, try again – then move on.”

Fourth, curiosity is more valuable than talent. Talented
people take offense at this, but little kids taught me this
one. The eager kids with the big eyes and restless
questions always seem to figure stuff out. The bright kids
usually get better grades, but they don’t have as many
adventures or good stories to tell. In life, go for the

Fifth, doing stuff is more important than knowing stuff. I
loved school and earned three Masters and a Doctorate, so I
obviously believe that knowing stuff is important, but life
must be LIVED, not studied. People who take risks, try
things, build or invent stuff, make mistakes, and create
memories are the people who live the “good life”. Get in
the game!

Sixth, people are more important than things. Sure, all you
wise folks are going, “Duh!”, but this one takes a while
for most of us to really absorb. As kids, we want new toys,
as adults we need new cars, or whatever. It’s not until
later that we realize memories and success come from
people. Adventure and delight and joy come from our
relationships with people. Stuff just clutters up our
attics and our lives.

Seventh, opportunity is more fun than success. We need a
challenge, we need to grow, stretch, look over the horizon,
and explore the next frontier. Every level of success is a
foundation for the “next big thing.” Highly successful,
creative and energetic people enjoy life’s big challenges;
the rest of us just sit with our problems.

And finally, what we contribute is more meaningful than
what we get. This may be consistent with some great
religious or spiritual tradition, but mostly it’s just
practical. Creating and building is simply more rewarding
than consuming and throwing stuff away. Leaving footprints
that others can follow, being kind or generous, mentoring,
or opening a door for someone, is simply more fun than
collecting stuff.

There are lots of collections of life lessons and “rules”
for making life work out well. My guess is that we all have
to find our own path, find our own rules, and word them in
our own way so that they truly work for us. The key is to
find the principles, the “rules” that DO work for you.

My Holiday wish is that in 2005 we make this world a happier,
more peaceful, and more fulfilling place for all of us.
This particular planet is too small for us to not get along.
For all our differences, we’re in this thing together so
let’s make it work!

Here’s to a prosperous, peaceful, and joyful Holiday and
New Year!


Penat… biasalah… 🙂

Alhamdulillah… at least Tuhan bagi jugak nikmat penat kat aku…
diluar sana… ramai lagi yang tak dapat merasa penat. Menganggur… tiada apa yang boleh dibuat. Meragut, menagih bla bla bla.

Hmmm… paper Malay Mail semalam melaporkan Siemens AG is ‘offloading’ 1000 of its employees, and half of it come from Communications. The practice may be followed worldwide. Huhuhu… kecut jugak perut nih. Hopefully not for Siemens Malaysia.

Okeis… need to rest… tak dapat nak ngomel panjang.

C U all soon.


Beruntunglah mereka yg diuji…

“Wahai orang2 yg ditimpa musibah, sesungguhnya tidak ada sesuatu pun yg hilang dr kamu. Sebaliknya kamu beruntung sebab Allah sentiasa menurunkan sesuatu kepada para hamba-Nya dengan ketetapan yg di celah-celahnya terdapat suatu kelembutan, kasih sayang, pahala, balasan dan juga pilihan. Justeru itu, siapa sahaja yg ditimpa musibah yang hebat, ia mesti menghadapinya dengan sabar, pandangan yang jernih dan cara berfikir yg matang.”
‘Aidh b. Abdullah Al-Qarni, La Tahzan.

The Third Pillar: The Power of Positive Simplicity

TIPS again :

The Third Pillar: The Power of Positive Simplicity

For the past few weeks we’ve been looking at the systems
top performers use to virtually guarantee their success in
life. Success is NOT an accident or a matter of “luck.” It
is a skill that can be used over and over for life-long

This week, Donald Trump picked his next “apprentice” and
what struck me were the powerful skills, trends, patterns
and behaviors that the finalists had in common. These
people are ambitious and they had taken the time to learn
certain skills that helped them to achieve remarkable things.
The good news is – YOU CAN LEARN AND USE THEM, TOO!

Three weeks ago, we started with the Foundation of Positive
Self-Awareness. High achievers do not drift or wander or
“settle” in life. They ponder their values and clarify
their priorities. They know their strengths and use them to
their advantage. They know their weaknesses and minimize
their limitations. To an unusual degree, top performers
know who they are and where they are going in life!

On that Foundation, highly effective people use what I call
the Four Pillars of success. In the past two weeks we’ve
looked at Positive Passion and Positive Integrity. Today we
add the third pillar: The Power of Positive Simplicity.

The Power of Positive Simplicity is not about living a
Spartan life! Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and
Rudy Gulliani do not live in tents or sleep on the floor!
For them, the Power of Positive Simplicity has a totally
different meaning.

Positive Simplicity is the power of focus and
concentration, it’s about clear priorities and the ability
to say a resounding NO to the distractions and
complications of life.

High achievers thrive on complexity, but they avoid
complications at all costs, and that is a HUGE distinction!
The brain loves complexity. We are fascinated by puzzles
and challenges and mysteries in life. High achievers love
the challenge of solving problems, whether the challenge is
making money, raising teenagers, or finding spiritual peace.

They also know that a complicated life is the death of
success. They know their priorities, and refuse to become
distracted. They simplify their life and focus on one or
two priorities, ignoring the many “bright lights” of
temptation around them.

When high achievers become wealthy public figures we see
them in their limousines and elegant offices, but even as
beginners, they keep their lives orderly and focused.
Whether they have chauffeurs and maids, or drive an economy
sedan, they know the value of simplicity, focus, and clarity.
High achievers use the Power of Positive Simplicity to
create the life they truly want. So should you!

The Pillars of Achievement: Positive Personal Integrity

Assalamualaikum 🙂

Skarang jam komputer aku menunjukkan pukul 4:08 PM. Aku baru bangun setelah tido lebih kurang 2 jam. Weird rite? That’s my life… as weird as I am. 😀

Sebenarnya aku balik awal dr. office hari ni… malam ni aku kena kerja. Cuba utk. tido.. cover utk. malam ni… tapi tido siang ni tak leh tido lama2 … tak jadi.

Sharing TIPS :

The Pillars of Achievement: Positive Personal Integrity

This week I saw Leonardo DiCaprio on the Oprah Winfrey
show. He was plugging his new movie, but he also told a
story about his grandmother, describing her as “old
school,” a woman who told it as she saw it.

He described a private tour of the Pablo Picasso museum,
personally guided by Picasso’s grandson. As they looked at
the paintings, it was obvious his grandmother didn’t
approve of Picasso’s style and when the grandson asked what
she thought, she told him! Everyone in the audience laughed
at the story, but then Leonardo added the real punch-line:
Later he received a letter from Picasso’s grandson saying
how much he loved the old woman’s honesty and integrity!

Everyone wants to be told the truth. We recognize
integrity, and we also sense the lack of it.

Here’s another great story, variously credited to both
Winston Churchill and George Bernard Shaw. It seems one of
them was seated next to a wealthy, aristocratic woman at a
formal dinner. During the dinner, a slightly inebriated
Churchill (or Shaw) turned to the woman and asked if she’d
sleep with him for a million pounds. After recovering from
her outrage, it’s said the woman pondered the question and
reluctantly agreed that for a million pounds she would do it.

Churchill then asked if she’d sleep with him for five
pounds, to which she angrily replied, “Certainly not! What
kind of woman do you think I am?!” Churchill’s answer is
classic: “That, my dear woman, has already been
established. Now we are haggling over the price.”

Personal integrity is priceless and essential to greatness.

This is the third in a series on the Pillars of
Achievement. Over the past 30 years, I’ve had the privilege
of working with hundreds of high achievers and I’ve looked
for the common factors, the “keys” that made they so
successful. Obviously, there are a variety of skills (and
we’ll look at them in January), but underneath it all, I
found a common foundation of “Unusual Self-Awareness” and
four “Pillars” that support their achievements. (You can
see the earlier articles in my archive at:

Last week we looked at the Pillar of Positive Personal
Passion. It’s the reservoir of energy and drive that high
achievers use to reach their goals. They have a personal
belief and passion to achieve their purposes!

The second pillar is an absolute, relentless sense of
Positive Personal Integrity. Unusual Self-Awareness tells
them exactly who they are, and their sense of Positive
Personal Integrity keeps them focused straight ahead. With
high achievers, what you see is exactly what you get. They
are who they seem to be, they know their values, and they
stick to them.

I think of John F. Kennedy’s remarkable book, “Profiles in
Courage,” and the impact those models had on his own life.
Kennedy can be faulted for many things, but as Robert
Dallek’s new biography makes clear, Kennedy new who he was
and through his pain and limitations, he stuck to his priorities.

The great golfer, Bobby Jones, was once complimented for
calling a penalty stroke on himself when no one else was
around to see. He was disgusted by the compliment and
replied, “You might as well compliment a man for not
robbing a bank!”

Lots of people can achieve some level of fame or wealth, or
even political power, without Positive Personal Integrity,
but it won’t last. It’s not truly satisfying or fulfilling
because at some level, they know they are being false.

True success is built on a foundation of Self-Awareness and
stands on the pillars of Personal Passion and Positive
Personal Integrity. Don’t leave home without it!

— ~ —

” Berbuat baiklah hanya kerana Allah semata-mata maka anda akan menguasai keadaan, tidak akan terusik dengan kebencian, dan tidak merasa terancam dengan kekejian!”
– dipetik dr. buku Jangan Bersedih (La Tahzan).