Menjadikan membaca sebagai ‘habit’ memberikan 14 tips untuk membudayakan amalan membaca.

    • Set times. You should have a few set times during every day when you’ll read for at least 5-10 minutes. These are times that you will read no matter what — triggers that happen each day. For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch (and even dinner if you eat alone). And if you also read every time you’re sitting on the can, and when you go to bed, you now have four times a day when you read for 10 minutes each — or 40 minutes a day. That’s a great start, and by itself would be an excellent daily reading habit. But there’s more you can do.
    • Always carry a book. Wherever you go, take a book with you. When I leave the house, I always make sure to have my drivers license, my keys and my book, at a minimum. The book stays with me in the car, and I take it into the office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go, unless I know I definitely won’t be reading (like at a movie). If there is a time when you have to wait (like at a doctor’s office or at the DMV), whip out your book and read. Great way to pass the time.
    • Make a list. Keep a list of all the great books you want to read. You can keep this in your journal, in a pocket notebook, on your personal home page, on your personal wiki, wherever. Be sure to add to it whenever you hear about a good book, online or in person. Keep a running list, and cross out the ones you read. Tech trick: create a Gmail account for your book list, and email the address every time you hear about a good book. Now your inbox will be your reading list. When you’ve read a book, file it under “Done”. If you want, you can even reply to the message (to the same address) with notes about the book, and those will be in the same conversation thread, so now your Gmail account is your reading log too.
    • Find a quiet place. Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair (don’t lay down unless you’re going to sleep) and curl up with a good book without interruptions. There should be no television or computer near the chair to minimize distractions, and no music or noisy family members/roommates. If you don’t have a place like this, create one.
    • Reduce television/Internet. If you really want to read more, try cutting back on TV or Internet consumption. This may be difficult for many people. Still, every minute you reduce of Internet/TV, you could use for reading. This could create hours of book reading time.
    • Read to your kid. If you have children, you must, must read to them. Creating the reading habit in your kids is the best way to ensure they’ll be readers when they grow up … and it will help them to be successful in life as well. Find some great children’s books, and read to them. At the same time, you’re developing the reading habit in yourself … and spending some quality time with your child as well.
    • Keep a log. Similar to the reading list, this log should have not only the title and author of the books you read, but the dates you start and finish them if possible. Even better, put a note next to each with your thoughts about the book. It is extremely satisfying to go back over the log after a couple of months to see all the great books you’ve read.
    • Go to used book shops. My favorite place to go is a discount book store where I drop off all my old books (I usually take a couple of boxes of books) and get a big discount on used books I find in the store. I typically spend only a couple of dollars for a dozen or more books, so although I read a lot, books aren’t a major expense. And it is very fun to browse through the new books people have donated. Make your trip to a used book store a regular thing.
    • Have a library day. Even cheaper than a used book shop is a library, of course. Make it a weekly trip.
    • Read fun and compelling books. Find books that really grip you and keep you going. Even if they aren’t literary masterpieces, they make you want to read — and that’s the goal here. After you have cultivated the reading habit, you can move on to more difficult stuff, but for now, go for the fun, gripping stuff. Stephen King, John Grisham, Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum, Nora Roberts, Sue Grafton, Dan Brown … all those popular authors are popular for a reason — they tell great stories. Other stuff you might like: Vonnegut, William Gibson, Douglas Adams, Nick Hornby, Trevanian, Ann Patchett, Terry Pratchett, Terry McMillan, F. Scott Fitzgerald. All excellent storytellers.
    • Make it pleasurable. Make your reading time your favorite time of day. Have some good tea or coffee while you read, or another kind of treat. Get into a comfortable chair with a good blanket. Read during sunrise or sunset, or at the beach.
    • Blog it. One of the best ways to form a habit is to put it on your blog. If you don’t have one, create one. It’s free. Have your family go there and give you book suggestions and comment on the ones you’re reading. It keeps you accountable for your goals.
    • Set a high goal. Tell yourself that you want to read 50 books this year (or some other number like that). Then set about trying to accomplish it. Just be sure you’re still enjoying the reading though — don’t make it a rushed chore.
    • Have a reading hour or reading day. If you turn off the TV or Internet in the evening, you could have a set hour (perhaps just after dinner) when you and maybe all the members of your family read each night. Or you could do a reading day, when you (and again, your other family members if you can get them to join you) read for practically the whole day. It’s super fun.

Mahu kongsi tips-tips anda, isi di ruangan komen.

[Soalan Kuiz] Berapa banyak buku yang telah berjaya dihabiskan oleh Tok Mudin dalam tempoh 1 Januari 2007 hingga sekarang? Hadiah misteri menanti untuk jawapan yang tepat. Sila jawab di ruangan komen 😉

14 Respons

  1. hehe.. membaca bagi aku la ni.. macam semayang untuk orang bosnia.. hehe…

    Tok Mudin: Hehe… macammana tu? 🙂

  2. 10!
    dude, aku minat ke tak minat ke kene juga membaca itu sumber rezeki kedua aku hehehe

    Tok Mudin: Baguslah tue.. 🙂

  3. jawapannya ialah 28. alamat akan dikirimkan melalui email. sila hantar hadiah dengan segereee. sekian tima kasih 😉
    haha! konfiden seh 😉

    Tok Mudin: 😉 tengoklah nanti…

  4. Salam tuan,
    Aku dan bacaan memang tak lekang..sehari tak membaca ada sahaja tak kena..tak kira lah apa jenis bacaan pun…baca iklan ah long pun jadi..huhuh

    Tok Mudin: dekerinchi, tak payahlah bertuan, panggil tok pun ok! iklan ah long tue… baca saja ya… jangan meminjam pula! 🙂

  5. saya teka 12..

    saya skang ni byk baca majalah dan blog je..

  6. 25!

  7. smlm lagi nak tegur…
    wall paper tu lawa la….
    kalo bg cerah skit lg lawa….
    cam iklan jer…hehehe
    kat mana tu:)?

    Tok Mudin: Niza, dah dicerahkan gambar tu. Lawa erk? Ummu Adamlah camerawomannya. Hehe! Nampak tak budak kecik bawah pokok tue… haha! Itu kat Tasik Shah Alam, tempat favourite Ummu Adam.

  8. nam… buleh?

  9. Budaya membaca sangat perlu di semai. Yang lebih penting ialah tujuan membaca itu perlulah jelas sejelas-jelasnya. Apakah matlamat yang hendak dicapai dengan membaca?
    Jika matlamatnya tidak tercapai, ribuan perpustakaan dari seantero dunia pun ia tidak akan dapat memuaskan si pembaca.
    Wallahualam …

    Tok Mudin: 1, benar sekali. Mengapa aku membaca? Satu topik yang menarik untuk dibincangkan. Insya Allah, kalau ada peluang, akan disentuh dalam entri-entri akan datang.

  10. nak baca buku kena ada keinginan, kalau nak paksa2 memang susah nak jalan la. So, nak timbulkan keinginan tu, molek kiranya cari buku yg boleh buat kita rajin utk membacanya. cuba dgn buku fiksyen dulu. takpun magazine pun molek gak 😀

    hmm..dalam sebulan maybe 3 kali, darab dgn 6 bulan jadik 18 buah buku (tidak termasuk buku A B C) ha ha ha .

    Tahu, tahu. Adikyah memang pandai teka. 🙂

  11. semayang bagi orang islam bosnia kan satu amalan kuno yang telah ditinggalkan.. hehe… malaih laa nak baca buku la ni… hehe…

  12. […] for charity! Aku sebenarnya nak buat entri jawapan kepada soalan kuiz dalam entri yang lalu. Tapi tak jadi sebab kena tag oleh acciacatura. Klik sini untuk tujuan dan syarat-syarat, jika anda […]

  13. […] telah dihabiskan ialah 16 buah . Purata 2.67 buah buku sebulan. Melebihi sasaran. Bravo! Adikyah, tekaan kamu hampir tepat, malangnya tiada hadiah untuk hampir […]

  14. mmg bagus budaya ni membaca nie.bleh ntok bg tips untuk rajin membaca lak??????

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